Forum Replies Created
Member"Azzy77":1a8r7gld wrote:Stefan, Simon and Ryan O’keefe (who moved here from qtown) trialled and made itBlake and Ryan wick trialled and didn’t make it.
[/quote:1a8r7gld]I suspect there would have been several more trial, but for various reasons they don’t think it’s worth trialing for the stampede. The practices are always in Queenstown it seems, and there’s politics between players and clubs and selectors and whatnot.
We could certainly come up with a list of a few more who would have certainly been worth looking at, but who I’ve either heard from directly, or indirectly, didn’t think it was worth their effort to trial (rightly or wrongly on their part).
Member"Joe":1ki6sd9q wrote:We need to make support signs for the local boys.SOPERSTAR!
Steffan the KING
Holy Christos…
anyone have some tempura paint at home?
[/quote:1ki6sd9q]Best way I’ve ever found of making heaps of noise, really easily, is 2 litre milk bottles, and put a handful of popcorn in each one. One of those in each hand, you can make a heap of noise. We used to use them for protest marches up and down George Street.
If we just shake them to get the coach’s attention, and then hold up our signs, otherwise he might not see them. And smile. The smile is very important.
Member"battered_and_bruised":2eubzqk7 wrote:"Kyle":2eubzqk7 wrote:The track record isn’t necessarily so good with other teams. Three Stampede players left the ice at the end of last night’s game and didn’t participate in the handshake, which grated with me.
[/quote:2eubzqk7]There was a bit of confussion on those player involved. They just told us that they thought that because this was a “series”, they would shake hands at the conclusion of the “series”. This was told to those Stampede players by some of the Canterbury players. So it was by no means meant to look like poor sportsmanship, even though it did apear that way.
[/quote:2eubzqk7]OK, that’s good to hear it was just a misunderstanding. What they were saying when they came off indicated the other way, but that’s not unusual when you’ve just lost a game heavily.
Member"Joe":1p04se0m wrote:However, because I’m in the admin forum with a small audience I would like to say emphatically:[font=Verdana:1p04se0m][color=blue:1p04se0m]THE STAMPEDE COACH IS AN ASS[/color:1p04se0m][/font:1p04se0m]
I spent large parts of the game in the penalty box and I was not impressed.
[/quote:1p04se0m]I’d be keen to hear more about this Joe – either on here or tell me at the rink. I’d be curious to hear what he was saying to the bench.
MemberIf it’s like last night, I recommend you watch the warmup really closely then. And the bit where he comes in and out of the changing rooms. And then sit near the bench to watch the games.
MemberYeah, generally I’ve found the level of support that I’ve seen from own teams here to be pretty good. Players are good about making noise from the bench and supporting their team. My clearest memory from the Easton Cup was when I dived to block a James VL slap shot (with my stick luckily) and hearing Ryan tell me I’d made a good play, across about 20 metres of ice! There’s a bunch of people we have around who are good about sitting next to someone on the bench and providing tips or talking to them about what they’re doing.
The track record isn’t necessarily so good with other teams. Three Stampede players left the ice at the end of last night’s game and didn’t participate in the handshake, which grated with me. It wasn’t like they the game was robbed from them by the other team cheating or the referees making a heap of bad calls – they just lost. Some silly stuff in the DIHL B grade annoyed me – teams getting arrogant because they were winning a game over a team that was never as good as theirs. Sometimes you’ll be better, and sometimes you won’t. If you win without being a gloating idiot, then the other team will treat you with respect when you’re feeling down about losing the next game.
Anyway, every once in a while I read news stories about what some nutty parent has done at a rugby game – attacking a referee or hitting a kid who hasn’t played well or something. Hopefully we never get any of that rubbish down at the rink.
MemberI was curious to see the original post, having read Ryan’s response before coming to this page.
I think the only bit I would have taken out would have been the bit about being an ass. I don’t have a problem with him naming the coach, or saying he coached badly. that’s a fair opinion, and while not expressed constructively, isn’t inappropriate or anything. Just Ryan’s typical blunt posting method.
I don’t think calling someone an ass is defamatory. Just not appropriate. But either way.
Member"Paul Roth":2k8lx7cr wrote:From what I’m reading here, it can’t be too soon that Dunedin should have its own National League team.The argument against that has always been that the Stampede would not be viable without its Dunedin players. Well, if they aren’t making good use of the few Dunedin players on the team, that’s all the more reason to have our own team.
At the last Ice Sports Dunedin meeting last week, the rink is 100% behind us having our own National League team and is only waiting for the club to give it the go-ahead. The rink was talking about subsidizing the team in terms of ice time and money and transport as well, as it could make money out of selling tickets. The rink is willing to plow those profits back into the team. There would also be money for professional coaching. It is all there waiting for the Dunedin club. Do we have enough good contact players to make it happen? Maybe the time for benchwarming is coming to an end….
[/quote:2k8lx7cr]Paul (or anyone else) do you know the definitive on what the barriers are to making this happen? I know there was a serious look at it at the beginning of last year. Is it a problem that locally we’re not fully behind it? Is it something that the SIHL needs to agree to? Is it the NZIHF?
I know personally it’s something that I’d be willing to put some effort into – not being good enough to play at that level, I’d still be keen to help with management/organisation. I just haven’t been involved with the discussions so not sure what’s preventing it being a reality.
I somewhat agree with Ryan. I think in the first year a Dunedin team is going to struggle. But I don’t think they’ll be embarassed at all. The performance of the prems against Queenstown this year show that. I think we’d struggle to front up with 20 players (and to get 20 players, you probably have to have a pool of 30 as not everyone could commit to it with the travel etc) at the right level. But a couple of years of training and work…
It’s certainly not doing us any good at this level to have two people picked for the team, and one get about 3 or 4 minutes of ice time, and the other one only participate in the warmup.
Member"Joe":38i5mfpr wrote:The only thing I would disagree with you is on hitting. Did the Stampede make a single decent hit? All I saw were little love pushes. You can’t win hockey with love pushes. I’ll post some love push pictures as soon as I finish sorting them.
[/quote:38i5mfpr]Yeah, Blake said much the same as you – that Stampede just needed to hit more. I’m certainly one of the least qualified people to say how contact hockey should be played. But I saw a heap of hits – many on Paris, who seemed to be good at avoiding them – when they just plain missed, and took themselves out of the play completely.
There were also quite a few plays where they got so focused on hitting the other player, that they left the puck there. They made a hit, knocked the guy off the puck, and then either let him go and he got the puck back, or one of the other Canterbury players picked it up. If they’d followed a bit more of ‘play the puck’ they would have done better I thought.
Who knows, maybe if they’d gotten out there and smashed them a bit more, they could have cowed that junior line. I just saw them miss their hits so many times that I think Paris was just about laughing.
One Stampede player who got some ice time who I was reasonably impressed with was Haines. He was playing some really good defence. A number of times he tangled up players and knocked the puck away, and he was really committed, and was more focused on getting the puck for his team than hitting.
Who knows. It’ll be interesting to see how they play it tonight, but if I haven’t seen Stefan get some ice time by the end of the second period then I’m going to be Mr Grumpy.
MemberAww. That’d be the perfect photo if it didn’t have an elbow in the way.
MemberWell, I’m no hockey coach, but if I was going into the last period of a game 7-1 down, then I would at least want to make sure that I gave everyone some game time – few shifts and make sure that I’d run through all my options and see how everyone went in the first game of the season. The game was gone, so I’m not sure about the value in putting first and second line out there again and again when they’re the players that have put you down 7-1 in the first two periods.
It was good that Simon got out there in the last period, but did they even give you a shift Stefan? I hope you didn’t get charged too much for ice time!
Canterbury played well – way better than the Stampede unfortunately. Paris’ line – all three of them were young players – man they played well. Paris got two goals on that line, and I think they got a third as well. The Devils had more time in the offensive zone, their defense was better – they played the puck more, Stampede seemed to be more interested in hitting the player and missing the puck. Canterbury penalty kill scrambled better, and their powerplay was effective. They blocked shots really well, and their goalie had a good game.
I was a bit disappointed with the Stampede play. They were coming in for hits and just plain missing a bunch of the time. When they did hit, often they put so much into it they missed some chances to recover the puck. They drew a heap of fouls, some of which weren’t really necessary. They had trouble getting it into the other team’s zone, and when they did, they weren’t taking the shots. They gave it up quite a few times and allowed breakaways. They really looked like a team underdone in practices, which I guess is the case. You’d think though, that given that the only players that got the ice time were Rangers and I think one Gore player, they’d be used to playing together. The Stampede goalie seemed to have this fascination about making sure he stepped off the ice after all the Christchurch players between periods. Don’t know what that’s about, but they’d be better off focusing on the time when the pucks in play than cutting down on their breaks with mind games I thought.
Phil Handcock and I were talking between periods. There was some strange calls from the referees where we weren’t entirely sure what they were doing. They blew the whistle when it was in play and no penalty was called, and then just restarted at a low spot. They seemed to really be letting the game go in the first period and not calling much – some of the checking was marginal – but they tightened it up the the next two periods. I thought one linesman was pretty harsh on some offside calls, but I was goal judging, so he had the better angle on it than me.
Hope Stampede can get it together better for tomorrow night. Be good to see them play a better game and get some Dunedin people out on the ice occasionally.
Come along early and watch the Peewees house league game, starts at 5:30 for a good buildup to the big game at 7pm.
MemberDarcy, are you wearing a Johnnies top?
PS: Happy BD Zanzee. If you even are on the forum that is.
Member"Ryan":r9cxiud7 wrote:Getting this information is becoming much easier now which is terrific. When I was trying to get information for all of these pages over a year ago it was like bashing my head against a brick wall. With more people using the site, there’s definitely a better flow of info. coming in which will make the updates much easier. The schools league is still somewhat of a problem since it’s run completely separately from the DIHA and the information about the league has proved almost impossible to get. Apparently it started last night, but I haven’t heard a peep from anyone about it other than rumour.Hopefully I’ll get this CMS system running shortly and I’ll get onto updating the pages then. The DIHL page is a bit of a mess too, I haven’t been happy with that for some while now. I’m surprised you haven’t been complaining about that one!
[/quote:r9cxiud7]The DIHL page I care not about right now. It’s going to be someone else’s problem.
No actually I do care. My suggestion would be to take all those links to documents you have at the top and put them in a box to the right, but with less text. Start the page with the ‘what is it’.
I’m in favour of drop-down menus btw. But I think the header image could do with some imagery in it. We’ve got a professional photographer taking photos for us and offering us them for free, let’s jump on that. What you have there is fine, but we can merge in photos on one or both sides. I might be able to have a play if you’re not inclined.
I do know that high school started yesterday, as Phil organised referees for it.
there is now a draw here:
One presumes results will end up here at some stage:
I’d just be tempted to link through to their pages and leave it at that. They have a site for providing the information, it’s their job to put info up there. If they can’t put it on their own page, they’re certainly not going to put it on ours.
MemberYou need to get out more dude. And, to quote star wars, ‘stay on target’.
Memberjust give the prize to me! I mangled!