Forum Replies Created
Toby Schuck (G)
Rhys McAlevey
Jacques Kemp
Jenel Bode
Brook Pielak-Jones
Phil Pielak-Jones
Steve Jackson
Paul Sales
Joe Sales
Jono ElkinEr… reserves? I’m hoping to fill one spot on this roster since all these Beasts already have a game.
Jack Li
Mark Hareb
Jason Sedgwick
Nick Redmond
Andy NoblePlaying as Auckland Goalie: ?
Ryan Wick
Blake Sinclair
Stefan King
Kyle Matthews
Zanzee Pielak-Jones
Brook Pielak-Jones/Rane Phipps-Black
Harrison King
Zane Neil
James van Leeuwen
Graham Phipps-BlackPlaying as Auckland Goalie: Toby Schuck
Waiting to hear back from:
Nick Metzger (G)
Member"Ryan":2fj88z67 wrote:"Kyle":2fj88z67 wrote:The balance of the B grade wasn’t affected at all by the number of A grade players playing down,[/quote:2fj88z67]Yep, that’s what I said. It was however affected by the ratings not being done before the season therefore players who should have been A-grade were still rated as B-graders and hence allowed to play anyway.[/quote:2fj88z67]
My point was, I wouldn’t have altered the teams further if the grading had been done earlier. All three of the pre-set teams had A grade players playing in them. I got the Beasts to adjust their team as I thought it was too strong, after that I was happy. I was still happy at the end of the tournament, and after the grading had been done. The grading just affected who could play in the A grade. The only way it would have affected the B grade would be if we didn’t allow any 6 graded players to play down, but that clearly wasn’t the case as we allowed people who were already 6s (such as yourself) to play down.
"Ryan":2fj88z67 wrote:"Kyle":2fj88z67 wrote:That’s never the case for a DIHL, because we reconstitute teams every time we run the DIHL.[/quote:2fj88z67]That was never the intention of the rule book – at least from my perspective. The intention was to encourage teams not to reconstitute their teams, that was the whole purpose behind the drafting section of the rulebook!?!?! It was to keep the teams together between seasons to encourage teams such as the Beasts to form.[/quote:2fj88z67]
That’s a great idea, but that’s not happening. We could never have run a draft for the A grade, because it would have required about 40 players to turn up at one place at one time and wait to be picked and decide whether or not they were happy to play for that team. A draft has to be done live since players have the opportunity to decline a team, in which case, the next team has to know that so that they can pick them. That would work if you had half-a-dozen players that were being drafted, it’s never going to work if you have 40.
If people hold four teams together then you could use a draft, but that’s not happening. And the rulebook doesn’t require it to be done, it only requires new players who are not picked by new teams to enter a draft. All the players that registered were ‘picked’ by new teams. Because all the teams were new.
"Ryan":2fj88z67 wrote:"Kyle":2fj88z67 wrote:It doesn’t matter if your team is re-entering from last year, you can still get any players you want and then enter them as a team. It’s the average grade that covers who can be in your team, not the draft pool.[/quote:2fj88z67]Not if the drafting process is run.
[/quote:2fj88z67]No the drafting process is simply a way of adding players to existing teams that are continuing to play in a tournament through multiple rounds. A team can’t go over the average grade, through the drafting process or anything else. It says so in rule 9.6.
The rulebook needs to describe a sensible process. A draft makes sense where you have a situation where you have teams playing throughout the whole season, and then you break every few games and allow people into and out of teams and then the competition continued. It doesn’t make sense when you have a completely reworked competition with four completely different teams playing in it, and it’s been six months since the competition was last run.
The rulebook provides a structure for a draft pool in the first situation, but doesn’t require us to use it, since we’re in the second situation. That works fine.
Member"Ryan":38syg8ss wrote:The main flaw in the process Kyle followed this past season was that the “ratings” weren’t done till after the B-grade had started. So players who would obviously have been given 6’s, Jason Sedgwick, Rob Owens, Mike Mitchell etc. were not bumped up to the A-grade and this severely impacted on the balance of the league. The league is not “unrated” as such, but it has a “rating” cap so you still need to do the ratings before the league starts. The Beasts effectively had at least three players who belonged in the A-grade, not the B-grade and that swayed things wildly. Kings had a similar but less extreme situation with Harrison King. If they ratings were sorted pre-season, the teams would have been a much better match as someone like Jason Sedgwick could have joined myself on the Bears to match the teams up better.[/quote:38syg8ss]That’s not entirely accurate. There’s nothing in the rulebook which talks about how many players who are ‘playing down’ you can have in a team. The rulebook in section 5 talks about ‘special circumstances’. We’ve abused this greatly. Special circumstances would be something like, the only way a 5 graded player can get to the rink from out of town is traveling with their older brother who’s a 8 graded player, so we put them in both in the A grade. We let the better peewees break the age restriction because they’re actually better players than some of the adult beginners in the grade. We consult with their coach about that. Those are special circumstances.
I don’t think that special circumstances include “I want to play lots of hockey so can I play in A and B”. But it makes sense to find a way to include that, because it’s more people, more money, and more hockey, all of which are good. Special circumstances certainly aren’t “we played with these people last year and now they’ve gotten better, so we want to keep the whole team together”.
The balance of the B grade wasn’t affected at all by the number of A grade players playing down, it was affected by the fact that we had pre-entered teams, and one team of individuals, and the team of individuals just wasn’t as good. I adjusted the balance of the Beasts by getting them to remove a couple of A grade players, but I can’t force the other one of those players to change teams – he just chose not to play in the grade. The Bears were always going to catch it, but I can only put into teams those people that are entered. There were no more people to put into the Bears. The other three teams were actually nicely balanced – the final was close, no team won all its games, none of them got consistent heavy losses.
"Ryan":38syg8ss wrote:An important thing to be aware of is the difference between an “actual team” and just a random bunch of players who hand in an entry form and request to be allowed entry to the league. The Phantoms from last seasons DIHL A-grade were technically not the same Phantoms as the season before, otherwise they would have been shat on as far as who they could have had on their team as they had lost most of their players from the season before. The only “actual” teams to compete in two seasons back to back so far are the Beasts and Kings.[/quote:38syg8ss]I think you need to re-read the draft pool section Ryan. It says ‘all new players who are not part of a team’. It doesn’t say ‘this is the rules for existing teams looking for more players’. The key section is ‘new players’. That means players who didn’t play in the first round, and who want to join. That’s never the case for a DIHL, because we reconstitute teams every time we run the DIHL.
It doesn’t matter if your team is re-entering from last year, you can still get any players you want and then enter them as a team. It’s the average grade that covers who can be in your team, not the draft pool.
The draft pool’s purpose is only for a competition which covers multiple tournaments. So you’d use it if we played a first round of the A grade, and then picked up any players who wanted to go into it starting in the second round etc, while retaining all the same teams. We don’t do that here. The system is fine, there’s just not competition that can use it here yet.
"Ryan":38syg8ss wrote:However, if for example the Phantoms want to field exactly the same team in the A-grade next season, then you have no choice but to allow them, you can’t just say no because you think they’re too good … the rules don’t allow it. This is to encourage teams to actually develop as a team, like the Beasts are at the moment. Actually, having said this, there is a rule which allows the league organisers to disallow teams at will, which I don’t like. But at any rate you shouldn’t do it unless there’s an extremely serious reason not to.[/quote:38syg8ss]That’s not true either. Teams can enter exactly the same teams if they want, but if either the ratings/grades of their players have increased, or the average grade of the league has decreased, then it won’t be accepted. For any graded league, it’s the average grade that controls the strength of the teams. For an ungraded league there’s less control, but you can always just step into a team and say ‘you’re too strong, you need to lose some/all your A grade players’. There’s nothing in the rules which allows teams to force organisers to allow them to have exactly the same team as the last competition they played in.
"Ryan":38syg8ss wrote:Oh yeah, and I like the idea of allowing stronger players (ie: 6 rated players) to play in the B-grade, but I’d recommend being picky about who they are. You’re better of getting “team players” rather than one man teams or they’ll just hog the puck and take ice time away from the weaker players. People like Jason, Kyle, etc. would be good for that purpose (plus me if I’m allowed <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif" alt="” title=”Tongue” />)[/quote:38syg8ss]
Yeah. There’s two ways to allow this:
1. Change the event notices to incorporate overlapping grades. So all 6s can go in B, and all 5s can go in A. That means you have no control over who plays where. There’s some people who shouldn’t play down into the B grade for reasons that Ryan outlines above.
2. Adjust section 5 to incorporate this. I’d go this way.
I’m no longer eligible, I’m not graded a 6 anymore. But it’s great fun!
"Ryan":38syg8ss wrote:PSS: Does anyone know Kyle’s address?[/quote:38syg8ss]It’s on the DIHL registration form.
MemberI think the committee is meeting this Monday, but that’s probably too tight.
I don’t know about everyone else, but I found those mockups of tops and logos that you had very useful Ryan (Wick). If you do present a top three, it’d be nice to see something like that so we can visualise it.
MemberLooks good.
MemberSNC Naseby is cancelled. Check your email.
MemberHey Ryan
That way of embedding videos starts them auto downloading and playing.
Some people might not want that. Is there a way you can change them to click to play?
MemberYes, but ice doesn’t stay melted in the fridge.
Every time I’ve been there, the ice has frozen behind the groom quicker than anything I’ve ever seen – no wait for the water to freeze up there.
But if it was 8 or 9 degrees – a real winter heat wave, then I guess it might not be so good.
Member"Crash":1l73zmsi wrote:Its weird why don’t they just make the games a little latter in the day.
[/quote:1l73zmsi]Same reason we don’t – they have social skating in the afternoon.
Also, if it’s a hot day, their ice might start to melt as it goes on. I don’t know how well their freezer copes once the temperature gets warmer.
MemberOK, I think I’ve finished adding stuff to my original post, so we’ll call that done.
I also struck the post limit of 20,000 characters (what sort of miserly limit is that Ryan?), so I can’t add any more anyway. I had to delete the waffle at the top and bottom (left all the waffle in the middle you’ll all notice).
If I think of anything that I want to add I guess I’ll do another post.
Best of luck Jane.
MemberDoes Maniototo not have any referees?
I’d suggest getting in touch with Steve Jackson in PE. He’s trying to deal with the weather problem. If it’s cancelled due to getting there being impossible we really should tell you as well.
Also, how are you getting there? Graham Phipps-Black was looking for car pooling options, so if it’s just you you might want to talk to him about catching a lift. I would offer, but we’re planning to take my dog, and he’s a bit much to be confined in a car with for two hours if he doesn’t know you.
MemberThe schedule is:
Saturday 30th June
7:30 – Beasts vs Auckland B
9:00 – Jets vs Auckland ASunday 1st July
7:00 – Kings HS vs Auckland B
8:30 – Stars vs Auckland AKyle
MemberWith the juniors not opting for one of the games, I’m going to be on the lookout for more players for next weekend – either Saturday or Sunday evening. People can, if they want, play both games.
People who are on my list so far, I’ll be asking you which game/s you want to play soon, so feel free to post here and let me know.
Member"Ryan":2gscpia8 wrote:I had a whole bunch of people asking me repeatedly why the DIHL wasn’t on during the school holidays (including lots of school kids) so I’m not convinced that was ever a good move.
[/quote:2gscpia8]Yeah. We ran through school holidays the first two DIHLs, and avoided them the next two DIHLs. Most high school kids aren’t affected. However the last time we did play through holidays John McGlashan was badly affected, as a lot of their players are boarders, and they go home for all the holidays as that’s the only time they get with their families.
My point of view was that avoiding high school holidays, and university holidays, and stat holidays where a Sunday might be affected by a long weekend (you’ll only have this problem later this year if you choose a Sunday night for your games, in which case Labour Weekend might come into play). I didn’t normally have trouble fitting the tournament in by following that.
It’s all very well for most kids to say “I can play through holidays” but not every kid can do that. We want to encourage everyone to be able to play, so we have to put the games on at times when we know they should be available. Most sports that I know of which involve lots of kids don’t play through school holidays – ice hockey is one of the few that sometimes ignores this (eg, SIHL schedule). It’s a holiday, and people should be able to leave town on holiday. It’s not like we provide a refund if they’re unable to make those two games due to family plans made well before our ice hockey competition.