Forum Replies Created
MemberI don’t think necrosexual is a word. I presume you meant necrophilia.
And after all, he is a med student, they get their own (group) body in third (?) year.
MemberFinal Rosters
Saturday – Jets:
Toby Schuck (G)
Rhys McAlevey
Jacques Kemp
Jenel Bode
Brook Pielak-Jones
Phil Pielak-Jones
Steve Jackson
Paul Sales
Joe Sales
Jono Elkin
Chris ForbesPlaying as Auckland Goalie: Sam Smith
Sunday – Stars:
Aaron Bryant (G)
Ryan Wick
Blake Sinclair
Stefan King
Kyle Matthews
Zanzee Pielak-Jones
Rane Phipps-Black
Harrison King
Zane Neil
James van Leeuwen
Graham Phipps-BlackPlaying as Auckland Goalie: Toby Schuck
MemberI spoke to Joe last night, and he and Paul are on the Saturday team. Sunday is already full, just looking for one more person for Saturday.
Member"battered_and_bruised":i2l7o00a wrote:Beasts guys while it’s all well and good that you guys want to play, it’s not fair that you want to take roster spots on the “A” grade teams. You guys have your game against them, let the other players take up the spots on the “A” grade teams.
[/quote:i2l7o00a]I’ve already indicated that people who are playing multiple games will be the first to drop off the A grade list. If more prems players signed up then I’d be giving them priority, but what with Stampede and ducks games and university holidays the signup has been a little slow. My big worry has been making sure that we actually have a team for the Saturday night game, as a lot of people have said they’re not available that night.
At present we only broke through two lines last night when I spoke to Joe, I’ll probably start pruning now. I was originally going to go for 3 forward lines because that made the money easier, but I’ll probably go with 2 forward lines and everyone can cough up a couple of extra dollars.
I’ll try and post some draft rosters this morning, if people want to find more people who aren’t on the lists, if they could do that today because I want to have final rosters out tomorrow to give people fair warning.
MemberThat’s a rule that they did take seriously last time. Queenstown had two goalies dressed (ie, a backup), and they got told off.
MemberWe’re scheduled to play Queenstown Yellow on Sunday, here in Dunedin. It’ll be 10am and 4:30pm. I’m only available for the second game.
I’m not sure if it’s happening, Steve’s email to me today seemed to indicate that they might be defaulting on us (he said “there is a chance Queenstown may cancel their SNC games with us on Sunday”. It’s not the Queenstown team that defaulted on the Beasts earlier in the month, I think that was the red team.
I presume he’ll let us know, but if you want to play Saturday night against Auckland, rather than three games on Sunday, let me know.
MemberStefan, Trademe has just the thing for you:
MemberYeah, I think when it says elimination round, it’s just a funny name for pool play. There’s only pool play and then semi-finals and finals, so it must be referring to that.
All games last year were non-contact, but the Queenstown team that won it was trying to make some games mid-ice checking. They tried to get it in our pool game against them, and we said no. Then they tried again in the final against the other Dunedin team and they also said no. The ref – I think it was Ritchie from Gore – confirmed that it was mid-ice contact, but we basically refused to play.
Member"Ryan":idpyzpv3 wrote:[quote:idpyzpv3]If the semi-finals and FINAL are played on a rink with high boards full contact shall be
permitted, otherwise mid-ice contact only will be played.[/quote:idpyzpv3]I’m guessing the assumption from this is that the non semi-finals and finals will be non-checking as per what leftright said.
No, read all of rule 15:
15/ All of the elimination round games to be mid-ice contact only.
If the semi-finals and FINAL are played on a rink with high boards full contact shall be
permitted, otherwise mid-ice contact only will be played.When they say elimination, I think that means ‘pool games’. So all games are mid-ice contact, semi-finals and finals are full contact, if the boards are high (I think that means standard boards, not the knee high boards that some ice rinks have).
MemberYeah I’d imagine that if you have females you’re in an ideal situation, as you can just point to them and say ‘sorry we can’t play checking’.
I’d be keen to go, but I think my car has eaten up my budget for that sort of thing for the next couple of months.
MemberMan, that ice looks really good. I think Graham had something to do with the design of the rink – if so good job Graham.
Last year the checking rules were a problem. It’s my understanding that the rules of the cup are mid-ice checking. We refused to play mid-ice checking when Queenstown brought it up, and so all the games were non-checking. There’s also the fact that there was a whole team of female players – the southern womens team – there.
It’d be good if someone gave a definitive on the rules. I might be keen to go up for it again, as it was a good weekend, but not if it’s going to be checking.
MemberOK. You’ll need to tell me who you are for me to figure that out.
MemberOK thanks.
slowly working through the agenda, and anything else random that people bring up
feel free to begin stripping in my absence AaronKyle
MemberI’ve just sent out an email to everyone who signed up when it was just going to be one game asking them to indicate their preference as to which night they wanted to play. Hopefully a bunch will sign up for both, as we’re a tad short.
I’ll try and get rosters out by Thursday, depending on when people get back to me.
But I’ve put you and Stefan in the Sunday night team. And Blake as well, is he still keen? Does Jacques want to play both nights? I have his email on a piece of paper somewhere, but not here at work. Is Hodge still around?
People should feel free to hit up other people and get them to post here or get in contact with me and let me know which night they want to play. Still looking for more players.