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MemberYes we had all sorts of excitement last night. Mike’s ankle got turned at an angle, you never want to see an ankle turned to, particularly if it’s yours. It was out at about right angles, and I have no idea how much pain he must have been in when they took his skate off. Everything was delayed for 45 minutes while the ambulance crew treated him on the ice, including injections and healthy amounts of laughing gas. So that game finished with 1.38 still on the clock (I think 3-1 to Bulls?). I don’t think we’ll be seeing him on the ice for a few months.
Then Kings played Bullfrogs, and during an altercation on the ice, two Kings players jumped straight off the bench to intervene on behalf of their player. So they both got game misconducts and spent the rest of the game in the stands. Seriously, do people not know this rule? Don’t leave the bench guys! So they played 3 on 5 for 5 minutes, but came out of it with one goal for each side, and won… 6-2?
Old Buggers played Beasts and won 4-2. Old Buggers started with no subs, but finished with 2, which was bloody luxury really. Big hat trick for Matthews – can’t remember getting one of these before. Reymond bitches endlessly about how I cheated on one of them, but seriously, it’s only tripping if you get caught! So lets call it “brilliantly getting away with hooking my lifted foot around Reymond’s leg and getting him down to the ice and then stealing the puck off him and scoring a goal”. Sweet.
Last game was Sharks-Jets. Jets had been bumped up with a couple of new faces, and a couple of old timers double-shifting. In actual fact, it looks almost like the old timers playing with different tops on. Close game, with new goalie import Vince in net for the Jets, Sharks were unable to get first and second shots in, despite a bundle of pressure. Eventually they got the go ahead goal to Liam Roth in the third, and it finished 1-0, Stefan King with the big shutout. Everyone got home at about 11.15.
MemberSweet. Y’all famous. Ooh, they showed the scoreboard.
Good advertising for the sport.
Member"battered_and_bruised":23uu89j3 wrote:Yes it is official…speaking of which, you think we could make a Thunder website at some point?
[/quote:23uu89j3]I certainly hope so. We’ll just someone to design it – it’ll need a different brand etc.
MemberOK I’ve sent him a txt. Dunno if he’ll come tomorrow, but hopefully they’ll both sign up.
Member"Paul Roth":1u9xjw0e wrote:As I recall (and I don’t know where the rule is), you have to play at least two Southern games in order to be eligible to play for Southern in the Nationals.
[/quote:1u9xjw0e]OK. That first tournament would cover them then.
MemberSweet. What a nice guy Ryan Wick is.
Member"Crash":2mdhdvqy wrote:Wow kyle, but I do see what you are getting at specially June 21st where the beasts play the penguins in Alex thats a lot of money spent traveling there not to mention ice time costs.
[/quote:2mdhdvqy]If you think that’s bad, the two Dunedin midget teams, play each other once in Dunedin, and then the second time the midgets are in Dunedin they don’t play each other.
They do however have to travel to Alex to play each other, and then travel to Queenstown to play each other TWICE!
Given that the southern region is actually completely meaningless, and you don’t have to compete in it to go to nationals, if I was the midgets, I’d be thinking – we’ll play the home games, play the one tournament in Alex where we play two games against non-Dunedin teams, and then default the other three and ramp up our Midgets in-house league.
For the cost of ice time and travel and food to those three tournaments to play three games against Dunedin, and three against other teams – say $60 each tournament if there’s ride-sharing, you could play 18 house league games. Swapping 3 games against either Queenstown or Alex for an additional 15 games against the Dunedin team. That’s value, and would point out how silly the schedule is.
MemberI understand there have been further rumblings off the forum about the schedule (apparently the two Dunedin midget teams are travelling to Alexandra to play each other) and there may be a push to get it changed for this year.
If anything comes of it, I’ll try and keep people up-to-date.
MemberWill he do it again in 1920 x 1200? And with the shirt not covering the T in thunder?
(Yes, I have a really big screen. Helps when you do design work)
MemberThere will also be no beginners hockey this coming Sunday.
MemberThat looks like a good rejig Kara, hopefully some more people sign up for the Jets.
I spoke to Sam Smith tonight, he said he’d play if you needed the numbers. He could probably drag Shane out as well.
MemberYeah. Any thoughts of myself playing southern league have gone out the window now. With two kids – one who gets bored while I spend 90 minutes playing a game, and one who is only 18 months old, so needs an adult baby sitter, there’s no way I can travel for 85% of my ice hockey games. I hope the DIHL gets all sorted nicely, because otherwise I’m not going to play any hockey this year.
My situation – I have times that I have to have my daughter back on weekends, and they’re non-negotiable – means that I often won’t even be able to travel to watch my son play his games. With 10/12 games away, I’m probably only going to see about half his games this year. I was talking to Larry Wheeler about helping with coaching the peewees because he’s unable to travel with them. That’s not going to happen either. If they were at Dunedin then I could just leave for 15 minutes to drop her off.
Add to that, if my family (who live in Wellington) want to see him play in competitive games, they’re going to have to fly down, and then drive to Gore, Alex, Naseby, or Queenstown. Bizarre.
To answer Chris’ question, I suspect since it’s been sent out and notified to clubs, it isn’t possible to get it changed. We should make sure that we vocally demand going back to the 2007 ‘home and away’ model next year though.
Member"battered_and_bruised":3ri2n8g1 wrote:The reason for the open grade is to make it into a farm system for the Stampede and Thunder. However, it is stupid. Dropping the junior grade is probably the biggest mistake SIHL did this year. Players who would have moved up to juniors this year are talking about not playing in the SIHL and just stickin with the DIHL. I can tell you that we just lost 4 players because of that. It’s not fair to those player to be forced to play with players who are men. They are not as big, nor are they as physically strong. It’s going to kill this region in that age group and hopefully SIHL will see that and bring juniors back in.
[/quote:3ri2n8g1]Yeah I don’t understand why that happened either – add that to my list of gripes. I understand some clubs (Gore, Alex) were having trouble with junior numbers. I would have thought it would have been better to ask those two clubs to run a combined team, and have Dunedin and Queenstown keep their own teams. If I was just 16, there’s no way I’d want to step up from having just played midgets, to playing against top prem players in a contact grade. Particularly given that a fair few players at that age level haven’t played hockey for five or six years.
And if, as is being talked about, Thunder players will play down in the open grade, how helpful is it going to be for their game to be playing against 16 year olds who are well done from their level?
MemberHaving played in 2006, I can say that they’re not proper tournaments – at least the ones I went to. There’s no trophy etc, they’re just games taking place as part of a round robin. I never knew who won the ‘tournaments’.
Member"Chris":7e0cuon4 wrote:Yep, that’s true. The corollary of this, therefore, is that if people aren’t turning up then there’s a good reason for it.
[/quote:7e0cuon4]Well if people aren’t going to turn up, they need to tell the managers. Because if we need to rearrange the practices for some reason, then we can do that, but if people just don’t show one week, that tells us nothing.