Forum Replies Created
I sent it to you with the player database, but I can send it to you again.
MemberI would go with smaller font, and more white space. white space is your friend.
I don’t think the columns make sense for something that has timestamps on it. You end up with something from a week or two ago higher on the page and more prominent than something from yesterday.
Also some of the news items are heading towards news features. Better to go with tidbits that link to proper pages, than ram everything on the front page I think.
MemberBest of 7 becomes… well a couple more games at least.
The series continues next Tuesday apparently.
MemberIt does have to apply to a university club, and there’s no university ice hockey club at present for anyone to administrate, so no one’s getting that award.
The sportsperson blues we can still nominate people for, as there is no university club, so they’ll accept university students who are members of the DIHA.
MemberI think it’s all working fine, why create work for something that’s not broken?
No I suspect that’s not the official version.
That’s Stefan after one beer and about 15 ketchup sauce packets from burger king.
MemberYeah, I’m not sure if that one has to apply to a university club or not.
MemberThe love you two have for each other…
It’s kinda the opposite of pure.
Like dirty and possibly illegal in some places in the world.
MemberExtensive testing has proved that neither Ryan nor I look anywhere near as good as Jane in a little black dress. Hence we’re handing over the DIHL to someone much more qualified.
Best of luck Jane.
Member"Azzy77":24itfvjt wrote:My understanding is if you are coming from inside the zone, you have to cross the blue line on the neutral zone side, with one foot, going onto the line isn’t enough to consider yourself re-onside.The way I think about it, not that I have to much being stuck in my own little blue area all the time, is which ever side you are approaching you have to cross the far side of the blue line to enter/exit depending on what way you are approaching from
Hence entering you can hang on the blue line, and be fine.
But exiting you have to get a foot back into the neutral zone before you can reenter
[/quote:24itfvjt]No that’s not right, the story with the puck crossing the blue line is not the same as skates.
With the puck, it’s not until the puck goes completely over the blue line that it enters that zone. Skates are different.
If it’s a delayed offside, then as soon as a skate touches the line, you’re onside.
If you’re going into the zone, it’s as soon as both of your skates are no longer touching the blue line that you’re in the zone.
For skates, the blue line is neutral zone, no matter what side you’re coming from, the entire blue line is neutral. So to go to the neutral zone, you just have to ‘skate the line’ – hence the phrase.
Member"Ryan":hu3zenf2 wrote:Well one good thing came out of this. I learned that the ‘skating on the blue line’ concept only applies if the puck wasn’t already over the blue line. My goal wasn’t allowed because of it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="” title=”Sad” /> I always thought you weren’t off-side as long as you have at least a foot on the blue line – oh well, lesson learned.
[/quote:hu3zenf2]Who told you that?
The rule is 450b:
b) The determining factors in deciding an offside are:
1. The players’ skates position – player is offside when both skates are completely
over the blue line in his attacking zone before the puck completely crosses
the line,
2. The puck position – the puck shall have completely crossed the blue line into
the attacking zone.If you have a skate touching the blue line, you’re onside.
Though I thought you were well offside, if yours was the shot when Stefan was standing in front of the net and the whistle went off before the puck went in. By about a foot.
Member"Kyle":3tkqxnd1 wrote:A grade one-off team (otherwise known as “The Beast Munchers”:Ryan Wick
Stefan King
Kyle Matthews
Graham Phipps-Black
Rane Phipps-Black
Zanzee Pielak-Jones
Phil Pielak-Jones
Harrison King
Rhys McAlevey
Zane Neil
Matt Newton
[/quote:3tkqxnd1]The final team is above. No Paris, and it was a different Paris anyway. No Jacques, so we played without goalie, which wasn’t the best for what the game was for.
Scores 6-0 at the end of the first, 7-2 at the end of the second (yeah, I suck at goal), and 12-3 at the end of the 3rd. Some good work by the bullfrogs who took the foot off in the second, but came back in the third.
Both teams caught a few penalties. Stefan stole the penalty that I think Ryan was targeting. Zanzee and Graham copped them too, as did Chris from the Beasts… and someone else?
All good fun.
MemberOK, Got enough players now (assuming everyone turns up)
A grade one-off team (otherwise known as “The Beast Munchers”:
Ryan Wick
Stefan King
Paris Heyd
Kyle Matthews
Graham Phipps-Black
Rane Phipps-Black
Zanzee Pielak-Jones
Phil Pielak-Jones
Harrison King
Rhys McAlevey
Zane Neil
Jacques Kemp (G)That’s 11 + goalie, I’ll see if we can get Bode to play as well as she’ll have just finished coaching then.
See y’all tomorrow night, 7pm.
MemberStill looking for a couple more players – prem level really. And y’know, goalie. Hopefully have a team list out tomorrow morning.
Mark, have you asked for scorers and referees?
MemberThere’s no need to put it on the front page. I’ve already got most of the team, a couple of slots I’ll need to fill but I need to get the rating somewhere close to where it should be for it to meet the beasts needs.