Forum Replies Created
Member"Ryan":3ef4511d wrote:The Dunedin Ice Hockey League (DIHL) registration is over for 2007 unfortunately, so you’ll need to wait till next year to join. Although there is the option to play as a drop-in player in the leagues. See the DIHL page for more information …
[/quote:3ef4511d]Unless Jane mysteriously got about 60 registrations after I left on Sunday, I presume she’s still looking for more people.
MemberNice, sounds good. Best of luck for the weekend guys.
Member"irish":2nkmqg9m wrote:Abnormally tall hockey freak and sure I’ll do the Wednesday.
[/quote:2nkmqg9m]It’s all a matter of perspective.
From my perspective, you’re all midgets.
MemberThe committee met last night, and the decision was made (pretty overwhelmingly really) to stick with the penguins.
The major change is that there will be a new top design and colours done over the next couple of months. All players competing in the Southern Ice Hockey League will wear this top – Beasts, Ducks, peewees Ducks etc will now only be for internal (DIHL, house leagues) use.
If anyone has suggestions for a logo involving penguins, top colours, maybe they can make suggestions – either here, or someone who knows more will post details of where to send them to.
That’s Wednesday evening for you then Andy. All the other days don’t have evening games.
MemberCheers for organising that Ryan. Good fun.
Though late night hockey just doesn’t work for me. Didn’t get to sleep until after 2am.
MemberI presume you mean Tuesday there Michael.
MemberYeah, I’ve a white one as well. I was going to ignore that!
I can probably make the Friday 8am meeting, but I can’t make the Thursday night ones, so hopefully people can fill me in.
It’d be really good if we could referee tomorrow night’s prem game as three man. Maybe take turns and do a period each. We do so much two man refereeing here, it’d be good to have one 3-man game beforehand to get back into the feel for that.
I’m up first for refereeing game 1 on Friday I think! Have to go back over puck leaving the ice and try and get a firmer feeling on which penalties are minors, which are double minors.
Can we meet at 7:30 tomorrow instead? The prems game takes ages to get started, it didn’t go last week until 8:45, and given that there’s only six of us actually officiating nationals, I’m not sure we could spend more than an hour talking about anything.
I presume we will continue to just be able to use the DIHA refs tops and grab them for each game as we need them.
Member"Chris":10rg17eh wrote:So…. either thousands of cruise ship passengers every year are [b:10rg17eh]very[/b:10rg17eh] confused, or boats are a multiple of the square root of negative one???
[/quote:10rg17eh]Spot the geek joke.
MemberAll misconducts and match penalties go to the disciplinary committee as per the rules. It’s up to them whether they take any further action or not, we just make a report. Two members of the committee were there and saw the incident, so no doubt if they think the on-ice penalty was sufficient, then nothing further will come of it.
I didn’t make the call over you and Damien, Mark was refereeing that end at the time so he made the call on what you got.
The IIHF rulebook says:
b) A player who starts fisticuffs shall be assessed a:
➤ Match penalty (MP)
c) A player who, having been struck, retaliates with a blow or attempted blow, shall
be assessed a:
➤ Minor penalty”The range of penalties that could have been given on Tuesday went from from minor penalty, to match penalty. We gave out two minors, and two misconducts. Mark probably would gave given more than the two minors, if he’d seen an instigator between you and Damien. Neither of us saw what started the fight, so one of you probably got off lightly.
It might have been more appropriate to give James a minor for retaliating, but James was also very keen to restart it when Ryan came over to talk to him, and he wasn’t exactly standing there appealing to the referee when Ryan initially held him. Ryan also could have been given a match penalty, but I didn’t feel it got into a full fight, and his instigation of the incident was as much grabbing James’ leg (hence the holding minor) as any beginning of a fight.
I had a couple of players approach me after the game and tell me that they thought we’d refereed it well and got the calls right. We don’t expect all players to be happy with the calls, but if players start throwing numerous punches, they’ve got to expect that they might get more than two minutes.
I don’t know what the story is in relation to it being a non-sanctioned DIHA event. None of the referees have been told anything about that, as far as we know referee and disciplinary procedures continue as normal. If that’s not the case then someone should be clear about what the process is.
Member"battered_and_bruised":3m84mh4d wrote:Yeah it was me and Damien but to tell you the truth I couldn’t be bothered doing anything silly like fight him…Did I just say that? What the hell?[/quote:3m84mh4d]You’ve changed man. It’s the all new, not getting a penalty every game, hardly any fights, Ryan Wick.
"battered_and_bruised":3m84mh4d wrote:But what was this about 2 minutes for cuddling? Common man!!! SHould have been 2 minutes for showing too much love towards Simon lol.[/quote:3m84mh4d]Well there’s holding, and then there’s holding and pulling someone to the ground and clasping at them. I think Simon wasn’t so much calling for the referee to make a call, as begging for the referee to help him fend off your advances.
MemberSeriously, I think the Jets are cursed. After coming back from 3-1 down, to tie it up at 4-4 to go into extra time, they let in the game-winning goal about a minute in.
Bit of roughing earlier in the game between (I think?) Ryan Wick and Damien Watson. Late in the game we had Ryan O’Keefe reacting to a hit from James van Leeuwen by holding onto his leg, which was quickly followed by some punches and words. Does he go out of his way to pick all the big guys on the other team to take on?
I think Jacques was involved in almost all the Sharks goals, Aaron must be getting really stick of the sight of him by now. Aaron played well with some nice saves to keep his team in the hunt I thought. Zanzee got one, and I think Paavo another? Jets spread it around more, couple of nice goals where they had to work it hard to get it past Toby.
Game was played at a good pace, some good hits and lots of skillful play. Both teams had over two lines, so still lots of keen players for these games to continue, which bodes well for people who are working on that NZIHL team next year.
MemberI feel left out and rejected too!
Like I said in my email, hopefully Ryan and I don’t get too bossy and look over your shoulder the whole time while you’re doing this. You’re in charge now, I think we both just want to help.
One of the ways we can help, is make sure that you include us on mailouts of registration forms, schedules etc. That way we can help by picking up anything that doesn’t make sense or might be read the wrong way.
And… we want to register too!
MemberThere’s probably a bunch more stuff up there from the same show.
They put skis and a rocket on a mini and fired it down a ski jump. Didn’t fly quite as well as the human jumper, but it landed really well.
Why Top Gear DVDs of whole series aren’t available, I have no idea. Very funny.