Forum Replies Created
MemberRyan, when you delete these spambots, are you checking their IPs? Are they all coming from the same server?
MemberFinally, some progress
MemberJust from talking to a couple of people, it seems like a lot of people are busy on friday nights, especially students with part time jobs (it’s a popular student shift).
MemberYeah, as I was discussing with the good Professor just a few hours ago, you’d need some sort of roof and a chain-link fence type of arrangement to keep the yobbos out. Personally I’d favour a big guy with a baseball bat and lots of spare time, but that’s not really an option.
In brief: I’d play inline just for the practice if it were offered.
MemberYeah, late nights are where it’s at. If you’re willing to get up at 5am, I can’t imagine that playing til midnight would be too much of a stretch!
MemberI would also be happy to make up the numbers for the women, except for one very important factor: I’ve been told about James’ practices, and from the sound of them, they’d give me a flaming heart attack!
Stiff Doggy Dogg is half right; I’d love some time on the ice with a stick and a puck, but 5am? Way beyond my level of dedication.
Personally, I’d be willing to go to late night practices (even finishing at midnight or beyond) if that’s the only ice time we could get. I’m just not a morning person (I don’t think many people are).
It would be great if Kyle could broach the idea of opening up the curling rink with Neil. I would do it myself, but he’d just grump at me.
Member5.30am???? You must be joking! Even if Mars invaded, I don’t know more that 2-3 guys who would haul their asses out of bed before 8am, and one of those is Stefan.
Tuesday nights kinda suck for me, but sundays are all good. Can’t we have wednesday back, pretty please?
MemberThe thing is that he could be just a supporter rather than a player, and could have actually left school by now (he could be about 17), so banning the whole school team would seem a bit much.
Yeah kyle, that’s fine if all we want is to ban the fucker, but what we really want is the stuff back.
I say we find him, and fuck him up.
MemberAnd even if he did, my point is kyle that if this guy is smart (which he probably isn’t, but he might be) then the polica can’t really do shit.
The police can’t search you or your house without a warrant.
The police need that warrant signed by a disctrict court judge.
A disctrict court judge will not sign a warrant without prima facie evidence.
We have no prima facie evidence.
Calling the police might work, and then it might not.
Besides, Mike’s right, ho probably isn’t the one who actually stole the stuff.
MemberWell, I’m keen.
But y’all see my point about the citizen’s arrest thing, ja?
MemberSorry, let me just say that I did consider calling the police, however I couldn’t get through to anyone on the ice hockey team to find out what the state of the evidence we have against this guy is.
If he knew his rights, he would simply have declined t tell the police anything but his name, address and occupation, and the police wouldn’t have been able to provide us with that information because of the privacy act.
Secondly, there is no [b:3p2mnz0z]power[/b:3p2mnz0z] of citizen’s arrest. A so-called citizens arrest is only a defence to a criminal or civil prosecution, and then it can only be used if:
a) You actually catch someone committing an offence against the Crimes Act 1961 (in this case, attempting to fraudulently use a document), which has a maximum penalty of at least a $5000 fine or 3 months imprisonment.
b) You find someone [b:3p2mnz0z]by night[/b:3p2mnz0z] in a situation giving rise to a reasonable suspicion that someone has comitted an offence against the Crimes Act 1961 which has a maximum penalty of at least a $5000 fine or 3 months imprisonment.Neither applied to that situation.
Furthermore, had I called the police, and the limited evidence I could provide was enough for them to arrest him, the worst we could get him for would be fraudulent use of a document.
What we really want to do is identify the fucker, find out what his cnnection is to any of the ice hockey teams, go out at night with balaclavas, shove him in the back of a van and beat the whereabouts of the stolen goods out of the little shit.
MemberYeah, it looked a little suspect after I spotted him and then ran down the street to catch up to him, so I thought asking him his name at that point mightn’t be the greatest idea.
MemberFound the fucker.
Saw him in town. Nothing I could do really, but I snapped another photo of him over my shoulder as best I could.
Not usre it helps much, but that’s definitely the guy.
MemberI’ve kept my eyes peeled, but you guys have been too leetcore and on the ball, as I’ve seen none.
MemberI can contact Mike Corkery from Johnnies to see if he recognises either of them, if you guys would like
PS: Give the guy on the bottom left a new haircut and dye, and that could be him. Pretty similar features, same build.