Forum Replies Created
MemberThe DIHL Registration form for 2008 can be found here[/url:1dolbo35].
It has also been attached to this post, for your convenience.
MemberIt’s a weird signature anyway ryan. My suckerfish is nothing like 90cm, having a max-width of only 900px
Membererm, no, steam is around 100C (at 1 atmosphere of pressure)
MemberUmm, kyle, don’t be so ridiculous.
Clearly what Michael meant was that he had (in somewhat novel fashion) utilised his stove element as a method of contacting Graham.
MemberSorry, just to get things clear, I turn up this thursday at 7 and we all practice together until the numbers are such that the practices can be split into the different grades?
Also, I know I have to pay some $$ soon, but how much and to whom? $175 for the first half of the year was what I was told. Am I supposed to have paid this already?
Member"Kyle":2lclvwxs wrote:"vpatrol":2lclvwxs wrote:1. When does ‘official’ Thunder trainings start? Is there a regular day of the week set aside for the season? When are trials? I’ve emailed Stephen and haven’t gotten a reply2. Are there coaching vacancies? I’ve emailed Larry Wheeler since thats what it said to do however I again have received no reply. I’m an accredited coach so I figured my free services would be in demand however I’m getting a response similar to what I get in Canterbury…nadda! If you have enough coaches, fair enough. Just means I get more free time.
[/quote:2lclvwxs]You’ve emailed Stephen Christos, or Steve Jackson? Steve Jackson is really good with emails, if you haven’t heard back from him then that’s unusual. Stephen Christos… I’ve never received an email from him, so I’m not sure how up with that he is.
Ryan Wick probably can provide some up-to-date information about Thunder trials etc. As far as I know there is still an open invitation to all players to go to the Tuesday night pre-season sessions but he’ll be able to provide better info.
Larry definitely is looking for coaches/coaching assistants at the moment. He also is OK with his email. Maybe try him again?
[/quote:2lclvwxs](for Ryan & Co, I know we’ve said this before)
May I take this opportunity to humbly point out to the general Ice Hockey population that [b:2lclvwxs]this[/b:2lclvwxs] is precisely the reason why the committee and other prominent-yet-web-illiterate people in the hockey community should be using this fantastic website [b:2lclvwxs]all the time / constantly / continuously / without break, rest or respite!!!![/b:2lclvwxs]
It’s really not that hard. Both my mum and my dad manage to use email and websites. My dad successfully copies his photos from his digital camera to folders. [i:2lclvwxs]Folders on his
drive, not My Pictures[/i:2lclvwxs]….[b:2lclvwxs][i:2lclvwxs]By himself![/i:2lclvwxs][/b:2lclvwxs]. My mum [color=red:2lclvwxs]podcasts[/color:2lclvwxs]. Yes, you heard me.
Why can’t we all just use this new-fangled interwebs properly?
MemberIs anyone else really flabbergasted over how fucking petty this whole thing is?
MemberJames and Stephen do a good job, so I hear, but I’ve had my skates sharpened at the rink a few times and at SK8 a few more, and there’s no question that Ryan and Stefan do a superior job.
It’s not often that I find myself in agreement with you Wicky, but I’m 100% with you on this one.
MemberLeave mine private thanks Ryan. I agree with Wick and Stiff, but it’s not my fight, and I cause enough waves of my own <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt="
” title=”Wink” />
MemberStephen + email = Communication Black Hole
MemberActually, the NZBoRA may (and probably does) apply to the rink in certain circumstances.
Generally, you’re right, and Neil can ban people for whatever reason he wants basically, so long as he’s not discriminating on the basis of race, age etc etc
However, because the DIHA is a stakeholder in the rink, banning a DIHA member from the ice during DIHA-approved trainings, competitions etc probably doesn’t fly.
At the end of the day, if Neil’s skate sharpening service was any good, there’d be no room in the market for a competitor. It’s basically like Telecom keeping the copper loop bundled in order to force uncompetitive services down everybody’s throats.
MemberAs I understand it, there’ll be a general Seniors practice for a couple of weeks to see how many are in each level, then it’ll split into intermediate, advanced, contact, womens etc etc based on the numbers
MemberNeil is waaaaay out of line
However, I think that we should probably keep the whole thing out of the public eye as much as possible until we hear from the committee.
I can’t imagine Stephen Christos siding with Neil on this one, but it’s probably better not to piss the grumpy old fucker off.
MemberWhoa, no WAY can Neil tell you what business you can/can’t set up.
He can prevent you from advertising in the rink, unless he is over-ruled by the rink’s owners (or a majority thereof).
However I think that if he were to ban you from rink for that reason, the DIHA would be virtually obliged to over-rule him by virtue of your membership. Whetehr or not that’s actually the case depends on the constitution.
There is a possibility that Neil might also be breaking the law by threatening to ban a DIHA member from the rink unless he ceases competition. It’s an outside chance, but given the relationships involved I would imagine that Neil is engaging in unfair business practices.
At the very least, his response is improper. IMHO, the DIHA should be seriously concerned by this letter.
Ryan, you should definitely take this to the committee.
MemberErm, by that do you mean you want to play in the SNC grade or the premier grade?
As I understand it, and I may be wrong, teams enter into a grade (pewees, midgets, juniors, SNC and prems), none of which is an “A Grade”.
If you mean you’d like to play in a team composed of A-Grade DIHL players, then I think you need to organise that yourselves, though again I could be wrong.
Ryan? Kyle?
EDIT: P.S. I’m fairly sure the Beasts are entering as a team, but that’s not absolutely certain yet. Mark Hareb is our manager, as usual.