Forum Replies Created
MemberHonestly, I actually really like them all. Dunedin Dragons sounds nice, but HC Dunedin is more sophisticated, which appeals to me.
Good work ricky!
MemberUmm, no, sorry Kyle, it would be breach of copyright. Ryan: you have the right idea.
However, the consequences of said breach would be, well, nothing, so I’ll scan it and plunk it up soon.
MemberI know I need help. I have made repeated requests for someone to help me manoeuvre my enormous package when attempting to get into my hockey gear, but everyone seems to be too afraid of losing an eye/limb.
Where’s your compassion people?
P.S. Ryan, you are confused. My penis makes up a very large proportion of my body mass, but it is not me. However, you are correct in implying that my package is large enough to be its own legal person. In fact, my package no only has to pay tax, but it has its own postal code.
MemberI’m probably out too. We’ve got some staffing changes coming up at work, which means I’ll be the only senior manager for a while, so no hockey weekends for me <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="
” title=”Sad” />
MemberYeah, I fully ninja’d him too. Interestingly, Jason Sedgewick is with Shaw, I think…. hmm, could guest be Jason???
Nah, of course not, I was just throwing it out there to try and revive the debate, but really, we all know who the rotten chuck-norris-loving dirty bastard is
MemberI’m confused. I just assumed it was me because I have an enormous penis.
MemberCan I just give you my USB flashdrive? lol
MemberYou chose to play for beasts rather than the ducks because you like me in an inappropriately sexual way Ryan, don’t kid yourself.
MemberIf it’s for NZ breast cancer people, I’ll skate for the whole 24 hours, non-stop.
MemberPersonally, I think it’s fucking hilarious <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif" alt="
” title=”Cheesy” />
Member"leftright":safokmoy wrote:Yep none other than me. Do you know someone else who plays both sides?
Regards leftright
Member"Crash":z592m86g wrote:I don’t think Chris actual knows how to check.
[/quote:z592m86g]Umm, hit the other player as hard as you can, and keep doing it until he gives up on life?
I can do that.
Probably can’t play saturday anyway. I’ll have to see. I’m currently about three inches from royally fucking up my exams, and in 4th year law there aren’t really any second chances.
MemberOver 150 posts in one day.
Holy fucking crap.
MemberJoe, you’re a freakin magician
Keep ’em comin!
MemberI was on the stands directly behind the Stampede bench, and it was crystal clear to me