Forum Replies Created
MemberGive up mark, your theory blows <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt="
” title=”Wink” />
MemberWhat the hell could possibly be secret about DIHA decisions?
Committee Member One: Ok, so, like, what’s the story with the new branding thing?
Committee Member Two: Umm, it’s not happening
One: Why not?
Two: Umm, because we, like, ninja’d all the money.
One: Like, wtf???
Two: Yeah, but don’t tell anyone, it’s, like, top secret
One: Omfg, that is sooo t3h 1337zor! We’re like a secret society of…… of…..
Two: Ninjas?
One: Yeah! Yeah, we’re like a Secret Ninja Society!
Two: But you can’t tell anyone, kk?
One: Not even my World of Warcraft guild? But they’re like my family, bro!
Two: FFS One, do you wanna be a Secret Ninja or not?
One: Yeah ok then.
Two: Cool. Now let’s go play some D&DChris
MemberAll will be sorted after my exams.
MemberThe Icebreakers huh? I really like the sound of that!
Nice one Paul. Solidarity Forever <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif" alt="
” title=”Wink” />
Member"Gazza":d6bk4qn8 wrote:"Chris":d6bk4qn8 wrote:"Kyle":d6bk4qn8 wrote:"Chris":d6bk4qn8 wrote:Oh, by the way, I also noticed that you are an exceedingly tall man. Has anyone ever pointed this out to you?
[/quote:d6bk4qn8]Actually I was watching the video clip of the Sharks Johnnies OB game that Ryan posted when I was refereeing.
I was astounded by just how short everyone else on the rink was. Did y’all forget to grow or something?
[/quote:d6bk4qn8]Hypothetical Mother: Now Little Johnny, eat your greens or you won’t grow up big and tall like Kyle!
Little Johnny: So, if I eat my greens, I’ll be as tall as Kyle?
HM: Yes Johnny
LJ: But HM, everyone makes fun of Kyle. They say he’s really goddamn tall
HM: Well, LJ, that’s because he [i:d6bk4qn8]is[/i:d6bk4qn8] really goddamn tall
LJ: If I don’t eat my greens, but eat lots of pies, will I grow up fat like Chris?
HM: Yes, LJ
LJ: Screw the greens. I’d rather be fat and cool like Chris than tall and goofy like Kyle
HM: Good boy LJ. You got the Ninja in you
[/quote:d6bk4qn8]chris… you’re not cool…
Umm, right.
MemberYeah, I gotta say, I’m pretty damn impressed actually
MemberBurning out sucks
Chris = Already burnt out
MemberKeith holds either a Yondan or Rokudan Blackbelt in (Possibly Kyukoshin?) Karate, can’t remember which
Wouldn’t matter if you did get pushy with Keith, he wouldn’t fight you.
MemberAh-Ha! See that? That’s the exact problem that I had with the news boxes on my website. The text will wrap around the image when you float it to the right, but the quote div won’t!
MemberRealistically, we all know the answer to this question.
Yeah, Ryan had me going on msn for a while before I actually saw Gertrude post a second topic, in an identical format to the first. Then I clicked.
Ryan is officially weird.
Not coincidentally, present company would seem to be the most logical place for a person of said weirdness.
MemberA man after my own heart:
I stand before you today accused of wrongdoing, with my reputation called into question before the entire community. But in truth, I am no more guilty of a crime than any other man in this courtroom.Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I say today on behalf of all mankind: If wanting to see vaginas is a crime, then I am guilty of that crime. And if going to great lengths to find unblinded windows or drill peepholes through which vaginas may be plainly observed elevates that crime from a misdemeanor to a multi-count felony, then I plead no contest.
But before you pass judgment on me, look into your own hearts. Is there a man among us, here in this hall of so-called “justice,” that does not also desire to see vaginas? Does any one of you not admire their natural, flowerlike perfection, or not enjoy the sexual urges they conjure deep within your being?
Then why drag me into this august chamber and put my future in jeopardy for wanting nothing but the same? The only difference between us is that I acted upon the conviction of my beliefs, whereas you stood by and did nothing. And, in doing nothing, missed out on seeing a lot of amazing vaginas.
Is not the pursuit of happiness a fundamental right promised by our nation’s own Declaration of Independence? Well, what could make any man happier than to see a myriad of young vaginas, in a group shower, lovingly hand-lathered to a state of moist, soapy perfection? Is that not what our founding fathers themselves envisioned so many years ago?
Yet here in this courtroom, we act as if the glory of the vagina is something to be hidden from public view. And in so doing, we veil the most rapturous wonder of creation under ignorance, repression, hosiery, and outerwear. Not unlike the conservative poly-knit skirt worn by the prosecuting attorney, who, I might add, is a very attractive woman.
Have we as a society really come to the point where it is a crime for a man in a ski mask and black coveralls to place a simple ladder against the side of a building and climb his way to a vantage point from which the glorious beauty of the nude vagina can be gazed upon with the rapt wonderment it deserves? Where the mere act of placing hidden cameras in a dorm lavatory is to be looked down upon in hypocritical shame? Where even something so innocent as the posting of live streaming feeds on the Internet—so that all men, regardless of race, creed, or color, may share in the beauty of these vaginas—is somehow considered “wrong”?
As long as we’re at it, why don’t we put every man who desires to see the vaginas of unknown women on some kind of national database and make him go door to door telling all of his neighbors, “I like vaginas! I like vaginas!”
As far as I am concerned, a world that denies a man’s God-given right to stare directly at the genitalia of any woman he so desires is not a world worth living in. If you are going to sit there and tell me it is illegal in America to look at women in various states of undress, without their knowledge or consent, even when one is perfectly willing to expose his own genitals to the women in return, then go ahead and lock me up. I would rather spend my life in a holding cell for Stanton County’s sexual offenders than go free in a world that would punish a man for the very act of being a man.
MemberThe question I have is not the location of the switch, but who turns the Phantoms on?
MemberOh dear God
Member"Kyle":d4frmxuy wrote:"Chris":d4frmxuy wrote:Oh, by the way, I also noticed that you are an exceedingly tall man. Has anyone ever pointed this out to you?
[/quote:d4frmxuy]Actually I was watching the video clip of the Sharks Johnnies OB game that Ryan posted when I was refereeing.
I was astounded by just how short everyone else on the rink was. Did y’all forget to grow or something?
[/quote:d4frmxuy]Hypothetical Mother: Now Little Johnny, eat your greens or you won’t grow up big and tall like Kyle!
Little Johnny: So, if I eat my greens, I’ll be as tall as Kyle?
HM: Yes Johnny
LJ: But HM, everyone makes fun of Kyle. They say he’s really goddamn tall
HM: Well, LJ, that’s because he [i:d4frmxuy]is[/i:d4frmxuy] really goddamn tall
LJ: If I don’t eat my greens, but eat lots of pies, will I grow up fat like Chris?
HM: Yes, LJ
LJ: Screw the greens. I’d rather be fat and cool like Chris than tall and goofy like Kyle
HM: Good boy LJ. You got the Ninja in you -