Forum Replies Created
Member"Ryan":11l3rkpg wrote:"Chris":11l3rkpg wrote:Yet again I’m down to score an own goal? WTF?Thät’s jüst cräzy![/quote:11l3rkpg]
Löl, It could be Dilkes this time löl.
Ryan – dribbling like a pink field hockey player
It’s good to see you taking your English so seriously Ryan.
I have only one word for you: Chemistry.
MemberYet again I’m down to score an own goal? WTF?
Thät’s jüst cräzy!
MemberLOL Life of Loan (banking)
LOL Labor of Love
LOL Lack of Laughter (less common)
LOL Lack of Love (game)
LOL Ladies of Lallybroch
LOL Lady of the Lake
LOL Land O’ Lakes
LOL Land of Legends (Canandaigua Speedway, New York)
LOL Land of Lincoln
LoL Lands of Lore (game)
LOL Language of Literature
LOL Language of Love
LOL Last or Least
LOL Laughing On Line
LOL Lautes Online Lachen (German: Loud Online Laughter)
LOL Laws of Life
LOL Lawyers on Line
LoL League of Lightness (gaming clan)
LOL League of Losers (wild 17 chess team)
LOL Leaning Over Laughing
LOL Learn Online
LOL Legend of Legaia (video game)
LOL Legend of Lothian (computer game)
LOL Less Of Lip
LOL Lewd Obscene Language
LOL Life of the Land
LOL Lightolier (Genlyte Group company)
LOL Limited Operation Life
LOL Limited Operational Life
LOL Lips on Lips
LOL List Of Lights
LOL List of Links
LOL List of Lists
LOL Little Old Lady
LOL Live-On-Line
LOL Living on Line
LOL Load of Laughs
LOL Loads of Love
LOL Locks of Love (Lake Worth, Florida charity)
LOL Log On Later
LOL Longitudinal Output Level
LOL Lord of Life (Church)
LOL Lord of Lords (Jesus)
LOL Lord Oh Lord
LOL Lords of Legend (gaming)
LOL Loser on Line
LOL Loss of Life (insurance)
LOL Loss of Light
LOL Loss of Line (telephony)
LOL Loss of Load
LOL Loss of Lock
LOL Lot of Lamers
LOL Lots of Lag (on-line gaming)
LOL Lots Of Laughs
LOL Lots of Laughter
LOL Lots of Losers (Rocket Arena 3 clan)
LOL Lots Of Love
LOL Lots Of Luck
LOL Love of Life
LOL Love of Literacy (teaching)
LOL Love On Line
LOL Love Our Lord
LOL Lovelock, Derby Field Airport, Nevada (IATA code)
LOL Low Order Language
LOL Lower Operating Limit
LOL Loyal Orange Lodge
LOL Lunatics on Line
LOL Lying Out LoudDoes that answer your question?
MemberI enjoy making regular use of TLAs and acronyms in general. Without TLAs, we would have to refer to the following by their full names. How tiresome!
* aa – (s) Afar language (ISO 639-1 code)
* aA – (s) Attoampere
* AA – (i) Achieved Availability – Alcoholics Anonymous – (s) Armed Forces Americas (postal symbol) – Aruba (FIPS 10-4 territory code) – (i) Assembly Area – Automobile Association- Avenue of Approach
* AAA – (i) Administration, Authorization, and Authentication – American Automobile Association (“Triple-A”) – Anti-Aircraft Artillery – Amateur Athletic Association
* AAAI – (i) American Association for Artificial Intelligence
* AAAS – (i) American Association for the Advancement of Science
* AAAV – (i) Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle
* AAC – (i) Army Air Corps (British Army)
* AAD – (i) Analogue-Analogue-Digital (CD quality) – Australian Antarctic Division
* AADD – (i) Atlanta Alliance on Developmental Disabilities
* AADT – (i) Annual Average Daily Traffic flow
* AADAC – (a) Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission
* AADC – (i) Area Air Defence Commander
* AAFC – (i) U.S. Army Air Corps Ferrying Command (1941-1942) – All-America Football Conference (1946–1949)
* AAFES – (i) Army and Air Force Exchange Service
* AAI – (i) Applied Artificial Intelligence, Inc.
* AAIS – (i) Advanced Airborne Interceptor Simulator
* AAM – (i) Air-to-Air Missile
* AAN – (i) American Academy of Nursing
* AANEAS – (a) Anglo-Australian Near-Earth Asteroid Survey
* AAODL – (i) Atmospheric Aerosols and Optics Data Library
* AAP – (i) Advanced Acquisition Plan – Allied Administrative Publication – American Academy of Pediatrics
* AAPC – (i) Accounting and Auditing Policy Committee
* aar – (s) Afar language (ISO 639-2 code)
* AAR – (i) After-Action Review – Association of American Railroads
* AARP – (i/s) American Association of Retired Persons (now officially known only by the initials)
* AAS – (i) Advanced Automation System – American Astronomical Society (“double-A-S”)
* AASPEM – (i) Advanced Air-to-air System Performance Evaluation Model
* AAT – (i) Australian Antarctic Territory
* AAV – (i) Amphibious Assault Vehicle
* AAWC – (i) Anti-Air Warfare Commander………….. and that’s just those beginning with AA……..
MemberGo on steffy, let the Bears have their day in the sun <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif" alt="
” title=”Cheesy” />
All they want is for once not to win the wooden spoon. I’m all for you being on the sidelines, helping the kids out though – that’s good stuff. Totally get in there and scream at them from the bench!
MemberThanks for the offer mate, but much too close to exams for me.
MemberTo which I can only add:
<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="” title=”Smiley” /><!– s:) —
;)” title=”>;)” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
Member"Ryan":2zhda7qs wrote:Sedgwick and Muenster to score for the Jets; Laing, Honore and Dilkes to score for the Bullfrogs.[/quote:2zhda7qs]
Muenster’s on my team <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif" alt="
” title=”Cheesy” />
MemberSerious dudes, WTF?
We can’t talk shit on the forum now because “[a foreign] player [might] come check out the web site and find a discussion about how they’re not wanted and how local players should get preference, and how they’ll have to be way better than a local to get into the team. Why would some really good player come from Canada to play with the team, when their first impression is that they’re not really wanted?”
I actually don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Or go on a murderous rampage with a chainsaw, but let’s be honest, that’s always somewhere on my “to do” list.
On topic, personally I like what Aaron is saying. In the extreme, it would become a little useless if every member of every team came from overseas, because then it wouldn’t be a New Zealand competition at all, just one held in NZ, which is totally different. So the point of a cap is pretty valid from that perspective, and if you’re going limit foreign players, they’d better be good to raise the standard of hockey.
On a more wishful note, wouldn’t it be awesome to see a team of 90% Dunedin players playing in the superleague?
[i:387ozn99]EDITED by Ryan: Removed words which may offend prudish people. Chris: In future reference it’s probably not a good idea to threaten to go on a murderous rampage either![/i:387ozn99]
Member"Kyle":2jhcr9n9 wrote:"Chris":2jhcr9n9 wrote:I think all Stefan is saying is that the fact that a goalie is local should be taken into account, which won’t be a problem if you move down here <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="” title=”Smiley” />
[/quote:2jhcr9n9]Given that a bunch of us spent time earlier this year cursing the Southern Stampede coach for, what looked like favouring ‘local’ (Queenstown) players over ‘not local’ (not Queenstown) players, I really hope not.
If it was up to me (and it clearly won’t be), the conditions for being part of the squad and out on the ice would be 1. turning up when required and training hard, 2. being a good player and showing that out on the ice, and 3. fitting in to the squad and being a good team member. Other than that, what does it matter where a player goes to at the end of practice – Dunedin, Gore, Christchurch etc?
[/quote:2jhcr9n9]As I understand it, that’s the point of it being a regional competition. Either you take the view that the regions are simply for dividing players up conveniently then I;m sure you’re right Kyle, but personally I think it’s a little more than that. It’s as much to do with local pride and striving to beat teams from other regions as it is about having a hockey tournament.
Member"vpatrol":1krir111 wrote:From what I’ve learned about hockey team chemistry over the years, the best thing a goalie can give is confidence that the puck will get stopped.
[/quote:1krir111]I’m sure you would get the opportunity to trial man. From what I’ve heard you’re pretty mean between the pipes, and the Dunedin team would be lucky to have you on board. I think all Stefan is saying is that the fact that a goalie is local should be taken into account, which won’t be a problem if you move down here <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif" alt="
” title=”Smiley” />
Member"Kyle":1486v9su wrote:‘Beasts won a game of ice hockey’ is news.
[/quote:1486v9su]No, ‘Beasts won a game of ice hockey’ is a given.
<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif" alt="
” title=”Grin” />
MemberEasy answer: stick the latest news item in the forum index header.
e.g. “breaking news! Ryan lurves t3h buttsecks!”
MemberDid you hear about the new All Black bra?
All the support, but no cup…..
MemberMy write-up for the christchurch trip is going to be a mammoth! lol <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif" alt="
” title=”Grin” />