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Memberthat article is rather brief, but reasonably accurate.
However, you want to be really really careful here, because New Zealand does not, at present, recognise a “Fair Use” doctrine. It would be good if we did, as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (US, DMCA for short) works well with this common law doctrine. The new Copyright Act contains no Fair Use provisions either, so we won’t be seeing that any time soon.
In short, if it’s someone else’s, don’t use it.
MemberThe “10% Rule” is, in fact, total bollocks.
You’ll often see it used as a guide on photocopiers in libraries and so forth, the premise being that 10% or 1 chapter does not meet the legal test for copyright infringement.
Copyright law is a complex beastie. In order to determine whether copyright infringement has occurred, you first need to have material in which copyright is capable of subsisting. That sounds a little strange, but it is a requirement. In this case, a picture clearly qualifies.
The picture needs to be original, in that it is created entirely from the mind of the creator, or it transforms or uses existing materials in a “strongly transformative” way so as to create a new, distinct copyright work.
In this case, the person who originally drew the picture would hold such a copyright, unless they transferred that right to somebody else. IF this was drawn for a specific club, it’s highly likely that a transfer of copyright occurred.
Supposing then that this copyright has not expired, for infringement to occur there must be “copying” of a “substantial part” of the work. This is where the “10% Rule” comes from, although, to be honest, it’s a ridiculous thing to say. For example, you might have a textbook which has five hundred chapters. 10% would then be 50 chapters. If, however, you have a summary chapter, in which the majority of the original work of the book is contained, clearly that is a “substantial part”. Furthermore, since a poem can be an original work, even copying a line from a chapter of a book, where that line has particularly original elements and is in some way distinct from the rest of the book, may constitute copyright infringement.
What does all this mean?
1. Forget the “10% Rule”
2. In the present case, there has clearly been copying of a “substantial part” of the work.
3. In order to use such a work for your own purposes, you must:
a) Obtain permission from the copyright holder; OR
b) Edit the work to such an extent that it becomes a wholly original workRegarding this logo, i would say that 3(b) has not occurred here, and thus permission to use the image would need to be obtained.
I hope that was reasonably clear :0
Laing Out.
Memberwell, it sounds as though this may end up being the only development that has been undertaken in Dunedin in quite some time that will be: a) useful, b) reasonably priced and c) almost universally supported.
And by “quite some time” I mean Since the botanic gardens were built in 1929 (1926??).
MemberIt does.
I’ll just have to sort out an RSS feed for it. Would be nice to be able to post easily though, which you can’t do at present
MemberI’ll just get me one of those fancy Russian Jets and do backflips and stuff.
Not entirely sure how that’ll help me but I’ll do it!
Memberthat’s it hellyer, one illegal fishing boat coming your way!
MemberAlso, what impact will these developments have on current rink operations?
Specifically, will this stop us playing for any length of time?
MemberHe should be able to invite you as a collaborator
MemberCan’t follow instructions? Are you presuming to tell me what to do, Kyle?
Note to self: In future, only opinions which agree with Kyle’s allowed on forum. Gotcha.
MemberJesus Christ.
Perhaps if I had started my post with, “As an official representative of the DIHA….” then y’all could complain.
But I didn’t.
The website smokes cock.
You know it, I know it.
People get away with producing shit too often these days because everyone’s too afraid to tell them they suck.
Well, the website sucks.
MemberDo I think I can do better design-wise? Nope, nor did I say I could. I’m not a designer. As for the look of the site? Meh, average. The photos are well-taken.
As for the code, it’s shit. It’s bloated, slow to load and there’s no separation of content and style. That’s not even opinion, that’s just plain fact.
I’m not an expert. I’m not even close. I’m a Mathematics and Law student who occasionally plays around with code, and [b:1gkacj9w]even I[/b:1gkacj9w] can write cleaner code than that.
If you don’t want people to criticise your work, a) don’t put it on the web, b) don’t suck and [b:1gkacj9w]especially[/b:1gkacj9w] c) don’t charge people for it. I don’t know if the nzihf paid for the redesign. If they didn’t, great. If they did, whatever they paid, it was too much.
I put my stuff on the web [b:1gkacj9w]and[/b:1gkacj9w] I suck, but then again I have no problem with criticism.
MemberAhhhh! I just looked at the code, and I think I’ve gone blind!!!!
Inline styles!
Nested tables for layout!
Javascript image rollovers!
This can only mean one thing……
[size=180:1o1kqyu7][color=red:1o1kqyu7]DreamWeaver Alert!![/color:1o1kqyu7][/size:1o1kqyu7]
[color=green:1o1kqyu7][size=140:1o1kqyu7]That’s right people, it’s [b:1o1kqyu7]Amateur Hour!!!!!!!!![/color:1o1kqyu7][/b:1o1kqyu7][/size:1o1kqyu7]
As an example:
[code:1o1kqyu7] <td width=”150″ valign=”top”><img src=”pics/002_home.jpg” alt=”home” width=”150″ height=”60″ /><br />
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MemberI’m still experiencing the bug that I mentioned above:
"Chris":1uj8w0dc wrote:interesting fact – /forum/ shows only three boards, and makes it look as if you’ve logged out/forum/index.php (theoretically the same location) shows all boards, with you logged in and the “new post” icons.
[/quote:1uj8w0dc]Cleared cache, still no change
MemberJuinor is like Junior, but french
MemberRyan & Stefan,
Sorry guys, but I’m out again this week, and probably for the whole season, as I’m not going to be able to turn up regularly.
Playing on both wednesday and thursday isn’t really an option for me this year, as it turns out. I had no idea I would be this busy!!!!
Cheers guys