Invoice Ryan Hellyer

Invoice number: 2017-9

Invoice to: Heavy Inc. Tax id: 13-4085864

For work on

Tax identity number: 16/339/01057
Ryan Hellyer
Friedrichstraße 123
10117 Berlin, Deutschland

Total Due: US$3800

Description Due date Hours Amount
Total amount US$3800
Pigeon initial setup Initial testing and setup of Pigeon system. 2017-07-21 14.75 US$1475
Communication with Lisa Email communication to discuss issues relating to the graphic design work. 2017-07-21 0.25 US$25
Basic theme setup Implementation of the shell of the theme 2017-07-21 5.5 US$550
Demo site Implementation and styling of demo site 2017-07-21 5.5 US$550
Mobile and tablet styling Styling specifically for mobile and tablet device sizes. 2017-07-21 6 US$600
Numeric pagination Implementation of the numerical pagination system 2017-07-21 3 US$300
Theme cleanup ready for demo Cleaning up styling, adding content and preparing demo site ready for showing. 2017-07-21 3 US$300

Bank details for direct deposit Berliner Sparkasse:
Ryan Hellyer
Account number: 1063737628
IBAN: DE 93 1005 0000 1063737628
Address: Rankestraße 33­34, 10789 Berlin, Deutschland

Invoice is for work conducted during the period April 15th 2017 to May 14th 2017.