Invoice Ryan Hellyer

Invoice number: 2017-4

Invoice to: Varnish Software AB Varnish Software AB
Norrtullsgatan 6, 113 29
Stockholm, Sweden

Tax identity number: 16/339/01057
Ryan Hellyer
Friedrichstraße 123
10117 Berlin, Deutschland

Total Due: €1755

Description Due date Hours Amount
Total amount €1755
Upgrades WordPress core and plugin updates, including fixing a bug in MultilingualPress to ensure a smooth upgrade path and triple checking upgrade process due to initial issues relating to the Varnish proxy. 2017-06-15 1.25 €75
Assistance for Hildur Activating the snapengage functionality, explaining inline menus, and Google Tag Manager Hotjar 2017-06-15 1 €60
Assisting Eva Assistance with redirecting whitepaper page, home page video, about us JS, adding menus, rebuilding inline menu setup and creating screencast 2017-06-15 4.25 €255
https certificate Conversation with Nakarin regarding https certificates 2017-06-15 0.25 €15
Assistance for Alexandra Answering questions and helping with the about us page 2017-06-15 1.75 €105
Ecommerce ticketing system Implementation of an ecommerce system for ticketing, including investigating Dibs system. 2017-06-15 20.75 €1245

Bank details for direct deposit Berliner Sparkasse:
Ryan Hellyer
Account number: 1063737628
IBAN: DE 93 1005 0000 1063737628
Address: Rankestraße 33­34, 10789 Berlin, Deutschland

Invoice is for work conducted in March 2017