Invoice Ryan Hellyer

Invoice number: 2017-3

Invoice to: Funcom Funcom Oslo AS
Bestumstubben 11
Oslo 0281

Tax identity number: 16/339/01057
Ryan Hellyer
Friedrichstraße 123
10117 Berlin, Deutschland

Total Due: €1600

Description Due date Hours Amount
Total amount €1600
Tabber Creation of the tabber interface for Fixed rate of €1600. 2017-05-01 26.67 €1600
[FREE] Server setup Setup of server running Nginx, Varnish caching, PHP7 and MySQL for running a WordPress multisite installation. Total time taken was ~20 hours, but not billed for. 2017-05-01 0 €0
[FREE - Cost written off due to Funcom not wanting to pay the full amount ] Changing tabber tab order. 2017-05-01 0 €0
[FREE - Cost written off due to Funcom not wanting to pay the full amount ] Reengineering of tabber/slider. 2017-05-01 0 €0

Bank details for direct deposit Berliner Sparkasse:
Ryan Hellyer
Account number: 1063737628
IBAN: DE 93 1005 0000 1063737628
Address: Rankestraße 33­34, 10789 Berlin, Deutschland